Nomination Classic Charms

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You can change the Classic pieces in no time

The jewelry brand that started in Florence, Italy, revolutionized the jewelry world by introducing the collectible bracelets. Nomination Classic collection has reached outstanding popularity and it allows the jewels to be personalized to look just like you. Choose the Nomination Classic pieces you wish for and attach them to your Classic bracelet. The pieces are easily attached with a spring mechanism and changing them is remarkably fast and easy. Just spread the bracelet wider and release the pieces.

Assemble a unique bracelet with Nomination Classic pieces

Our wide selection of Nomination Classic pieces includes hundreds and hundreds alternatives to make your jewel perfect. You can find for example fun animal themed pieces or charming heart pieces for your Nomination Classic bracelet. Do you want your bracelet to be simplistically beautiful? In that case choose pieces that match together well. If you want your bracelet to be playful and colourful, go wild and choose completely different kinds and different coloured pieces. This makes your bracelet unique! Assemble the bracelet of your dreams today and order your Nomination Classic pieces from us with a quick delivery.